Health and Safety
Learn more about our commitment to the highest standards of health and safety
Health and Safety at Berridge
Berridge Programs is committed to providing an environment where health and safety are paramount. We uphold rigorous policies, procedures, and protocols to manage risks effectively, ensuring a secure environment for all participants and staff. Participants receive comprehensive materials and safety orientations, emphasizing responsible behavior and understanding of program risks. Our organizational commitment includes robust risk management practices, staff training, vendor vetting, and proactive monitoring of global events. In emergencies, our structured response system prioritizes clear communication and swift actions. As partners in risk management, we collaborate with Cornerstone Safety Group to maintain high standards of safety and support year-round.
We invite you to read more about our policies that promote health and safety on our programs HERE
Participant Information
All Berridge Programs participants have a Duty of Care in managing their own wellbeing and following Berridge Programs’ risk management practices. Once the participant is enrolled, Berridge Programs sends information about the program to the participant which includes:
● Participant Handbook
● Medical/Dietary/Travel Forms
● Participant Orientation Handbook
These materials include information on how the program is run, planning, travel and program policies as well as detailed information about the assumed risks of international travel.
On the ground, participants receive a safety orientation before:
● any class, workshop or general program activity especially those that might contain risk.
● any excursion or field trip off-campus
● any off-campus class or workshop
● any outdoor activity including coastal or country walking
● before starting any chores, especially working in the kitchen
● the week-long Paris and Rouen trip has a separate and more involved orientation
Each orientation provides a clear explanation of:
● activity
● environmental hazards
● inherent or other risks of the activity
● participant responsibilities
● prohibited activities & no-go zones
● emergency procedures and/or activity goals.
Participants are given this information so that they understand the importance of responsible behavior, follow good risk management practices, and understand that each participant shares in the responsibility for their own well-being and the well-being of those on the program.
Organizational Responsibility
Berridge Programs has a formal risk management program that designates responsibility for risk identification, outlines actions for risk mitigation and defines clear protocols for effective emergency response. Risk management and oversight is a program-wide responsibility that calls for the active involvement of the Executive Director, Program Director, teaching staff, support staff, and others involved in decision-making concerning risks. Some of our risk management policies include:
Staff Hiring and Training: Our hiring process includes a background check and a minimum of three references. Staff must attend a 40-hour training before working on our programs that includes First Aid, Mental Health First Aid, Diversity and Inclusion, Bystander Awareness, In-Country Orientation and Emergency Procedures.
Vendor Vetting: Outside vendors, including transportation companies, activities providers, catering services and supplementary accommodations, are vetted for safety records, insurance, emergency responsiveness and hiring and training practices to ensure that they operate to a high safety standard.
Transportation: Staff who drive vans on our programs are fully vetted and trained before driving on the program. Staff and Participants are required to adhere to policies with regards to transportation that includes safety checks, the mandatory wearing of seatbelts and appropriate conduct in vehicles.
Staying Informed: Berridge Programs staff stay up to date on events such as political unrest, natural disasters and other local events that may impact our programming and student wellbeing through daily monitoring of news and official channels such as the US Department of State, CDC and Overseas Security Advisor Council.
Sexual Harassment and Assault Policies: Staff and participants receive clear guidelines on appropriate boundaries, including the prohibition of relationships between staff and participants. Participant Orientation includes information on sexual harassment/assault including definitions of both harassment and assault, consent and how and who to report to in the event of sexual harassment or assault.
Bystander Awareness Training: All Berridge staff and participants must attend a 4-hour Bystander Awareness Training upon arrival at the program so that they are informed on how to safely and effectively intervene in situations involving drugs, alcohol, and sexual assault or harassment.
Risk Management Partners
Berridge Programs is a proud member of Cornerstone Safety Group, risk management, medical and mental health experts with decades of experience in overseas travel. Dave Dennis and his team offer year-round advice and support with our policies and procedures as well as on-call services in medical and mental health emergencies on the programs. www.cornerstonesafetygroup.com
We welcome conversations around safety, security and risk management policies and protocols on our programs. If you have any questions around our Risk Management policies and protocols, please reach out to the Executive Director Andrea Mardon at andrea@berridgeprograms.com.